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Friday, January 28, 2011

I love PSD .

Today is the last day of uni before Chinese New Year!

Omg I am so excited knowing that I finally get a chance to stay away from all these hassles and hectic routines ever since sem4 commenced.

And today have no lectures,
just PSD and Pharmaceutical Analysis2 workshop.

PSD was so much fun I would say.
This is the very first time I actually love counselling patient,
Oh wait

an ANGRY, IRRITATED, AGITATED patient to be specific!



yah, this pretty shows how does she looks like when she's telling  yelling that she has a 5million project to sign up and I'm wasting her 'expensive' time. ( I never thought that time has a value)

Anyway, after weihan and usha's dealing with her
Dr.Shahzad pointed me and want me to go for it.

Oh well.....seems like I'm not as patient and calm as the previous 2students.

At the moment she picked up her phone call telling her 'virtue boss' I am one Junior Pharmacist that doesn't seems to know anything......

I was pissed.

I gave her one cibai face and I literally wanted to slap her and stab one knife stright towards her saggy boobs.

yeah, that bad.

But! being a professional I STILL have to follow some steps before prescribing certain medications which will lead to toxicity BUT SHE'S KEPT TELLING ME 




I literally gave her a one cb glare.

But I guess I handled quite well,
even I was a little bit harsh :D

After all, I would say my SP (stimulated patient) has a potential of getting Oscar winner if she's an actress.

And I'm happy with my performance :p

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Never laugh at Chinese.

A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000.

The bank officer tells him that the bank will need some form of security for the loan, so the Chinese man hands over the keys to a new Ferrari parked on the street in front of the bank. He produces the title and everything checks out.

The Loan officer agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. The bank's president and its officers all enjoy a good laugh at the Chinese for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral against a $5,000 loan.
An employee of the bank then drives the Ferrari into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the Chinese returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.
The loan officer says, 'Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multi-millionaire. What puzzles us is why you would bother to borrow $5,000? The Chinese replies: 'Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for only $15.41 and expect it to be there safely when I return.'

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Catch up sesh at the Pav!




Catching up session was good.
On top of that, we saw an pervy uncle trying to stalk and check us out for the entire gossip session at Starbucks.

Siao lang lu kua siami lan! cb...

And Jiahui was kinda proud that she's facing behind him for all time.
Whereas me and the misu trying really hard to ......  ;\



Speaking of BIMBO-ness.
Who can beat Michelle Ngo Hea Lin !?


Everything's fine besides the fact that Misu got lost while we're on the way back. oh-so-misu.

Luckily me and Jh we both have our very own natural GPS ;]

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Gingko Biloba ? Not that 'magical' afterall :\

Ginkgo Biloba Ineffective Against Dementia, 

Researchers Find

Published: November 18, 2008
The largest and longest independent clinical trial to assess ginkgo biloba’s ability to prevent memory loss has found that the supplement does not prevent or delay dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, researchers are reporting.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images
Ginkgo biloba in capsule form.
The study is the first trial large enough to accurately assess the plant extract’s effect on the incidence of dementia, experts said, and the results dashed hopes that it is an effective preventative. In fact, there were more cases of dementia among participants who were taking ginkgo biloba than among those who were taking a placebo, though the difference was not statistically significant.
“We were disappointed,” said Dr. Steven T. DeKosky, dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Virginia and the principal investigator. “We were hopeful this would work.”
The study appears in Wednesday’s issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.
For the trial, researchers from five academic medical centers in the United States recruited 3,069 community volunteers 75 and older. Most were cognitively normal, but 482 had mild cognitive impairment.
About half were given two doses of 120 milligrams of ginkgo biloba extract daily, while the other half were provided with placebo pills. Neither the participants nor the doctors knew who was receiving which pills. They were followed for a median of 6.1 years and assessed every six months for dementia.
During the study period, 523 cases of dementia were diagnosed. Of those, 246, or 16.1 percent, were in placebo users, and 277, or 17.9 percent, were in people taking ginkgo biloba.
“If this was really a powerful effect, we would have seen something that would have at least inched its way toward statistical significance,” Dr. DeKosky said. “If you’re in your mid-70s and want to take this drug to protect yourself from developing the disease, my comment is: ‘It doesn’t work.’ ”
An editorial accompanying the study warned not only that the extract was unhelpful, but also that it might be harmful. The trial reported more hemorrhagic strokes among ginkgo users, though the difference was not statistically significant, while patients with cardiovascular disease who took the supplement also faced an increased risk of dementia.
“There is nothing here, no signal of any effect,” said Dr. Lon Schneider, director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Clinical Center at the University of Southern California, who wrote the editorial.
“This gives physicians and advisers the evidence base to be able to say more definitively that using ginkgo extract the way it’s sold in CVS or Walgreens is not likely to help you at all, and gets pretty close to being a waste of resources,” Dr. Schneider said. “These are important studies, disappointing as they are.”
Although previous studies of ginkgo biloba have produced mixed results — a 2007 Cochrane review of 35 clinical trials found “inconsistent and unconvincing” evidence that ginkgo had significant benefits for people with dementia or cognitive impairment — the supplement is widely used. Annual worldwide sales in the United States are $249 million, according to the study’s authors.
Joseph Mix, a professor of health sciences and kinesiology at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., “If nothing else, it has powerful antioxidant properties,” said Dr. Mix, who published an industry-financed study that found that ginkgo biloba improved speed of processing in people 60 and older who took it for six weeks. “The thinking is that it helps improve oxygenation and circulation to the brain.”
Dr. Michael Habs, a representative of Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co., a large pharmaceutical company in Germany that sells ginkgo biloba, said other studies have found a benefit to use of the extract and noted that adherence to the dosing program in the newly published trial had fallen to 60 percent by the end of the study period. He said another large trial of ginkgo biloba called GUIDAGE, involving 2,800 people in France, is still ongoing. “Taking into account the results of the other studies, it seems prudent to wait for the GUIDAGE study results before allowing a final conclusion on the potential of the extract in dementia prevention,” Dr. Habs said.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy birthday Benji!

Do you know you are really a lucky kid!
Happy birthday  :)

What a gesture of the bf and Ryan :)


You might be thinking that's not gonna happen to you ,

You might think they're scary ,

They might just look as healthy like you,

But you might just wanna stay away from them ,

even just a kid.

They did not do anything wrong ,
but they're born with HIV+ from their moms,
which they got it from their unfaithful spouses.


You're playing with death,
think before you play .

Friday, January 14, 2011

Prescription Screening? NO!

Is so tired flipping the BNF for PSD sesh tomorrow.
Presriptions screening seems like the worst shit in this semester.

Communicating with the physicians ain't an easy job afterall.
(you would just wanna punch them in the face 
or stuff a bottle down to their throat, fuckyou .)

On top of that, making alteration of the drugs is just so ......ugh!
Is either I kill the patient or I kill my brain cells.

I don't care I'm just gonna put that aside even tomorrow's psd sesh is in 9am in the morning. (fuckIMU.)
Just gonna crash the bed and watch a movie with my fatboi 
before heading to dreamland. 

Awesome track!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011


Having lunch at Levain seems to become a weekly routine now.

What's more lovely than those colourful macaroons?

 Ok he looks like a major sohai here while waiting for seats.. heheee 

 They serve incredible mushroom soup.

whathefuck I have no idea what to blog.
(jh, see i told you -.- )

Holiday's over. 
Pretty glad that I've visited few countries and spent quality time with my family and the love ones. 
Glad that I still keeping in touch with my old friends, uni friends, highschool friends and so on.
I always appreciate that they always ring me or text me anytime, anywhere, and I would make a slot out of my busy schedule if i could to meet them up. Catching up sesh with old chaps is always the best thing that we can do to keep the bonds strong! Don't you think so?

Hanns Yong

Chef Matt
Future MasterChefs -Hanns and Matt.
Safe journey on the cruise!

Esther's 21st bday.

Always been my sohai friend! :)

Of Melacca.

Of Taiwan .

Of Cambodia.

I flung my Thailand trip I promised myself I'm gotta get my ass there this year I DON'T CARE, MOM! 

Basically that's all about it .
Just got back from dinner with the loudchild I am now so exhausted I gotta get some rest for tomorrow's 8am class!