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Thursday, September 30, 2010

He's mine


1.) 就算你认识他很久,可是他现在是我的男人,所以请别在深夜超过12点的时候还打电话给他,说你心情不好,让他陪你聊天。还有不要有事没事,在Facebook的 Chatbox 找他聊天!

2.) 就算你们隔得很近很近,可是他现在是我的男人,所以请别老是找他吃饭,并且在吃饭的时候让他给你讲笑话。他是我的男人,他的笑话,只给我听。


4.) 就算你们的关系有多好,可是他现在是我的男人,所以,请别主动说要认他当哥哥,我讨厌自己的男人是别人的哥哥,这样你就可以无所顾忌地当我们二人世界地时候打电话过来,并叫得亲热。

5.) 就算他在你心里有多重要,可是他现在是我的男人,所以,你最好别让我知道。如果我的男人知道你喜欢他,我希望他能告诉我,而不是你。因为,我的男人,我们的感情是我和他两个人之间的事情,跟你没关系。

6.) 就算你觉得他今天的围脖的手工很差,如果他告诉你,是我送的,请别随意鄙视我的手艺。因为他是我的男人,他喜欢戴着我送他的东西,这跟形象没有关系,也跟你没关系,没一丁点儿关系。

7.) 就算你们迫不得已地要接触,并且很晚还不能回家,我的男人,他出于风度送你回家,请别让随便当饭后家常闲话然后随便告诉别人,也请别拿这个向我炫耀,我的男人,我懂。除非你想吃巴掌

8.) 就算我的男人,他邀请你参加他的生日聚会,可是他现在是我的男人,请别送他暧昧的礼物,有些礼物是你不能送的,因为他已经是我的男人,我看了会不高兴,我的男人会尴尬,而你不要因为他接受你的礼物而窃喜,他是我的,他自己说的。

9.) 就算我的男人,他再优秀再高大再帅再温柔再风度,他也是我的男人。

你试试看碰他 ~


He's mine, and he's happily taken. For those desperate bitches out there, keep your hands off and don't ever think about it ! Or I'll turn your life to complete misery. Rwarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

I have sharp teeth and I bite!  ;::;

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sunday, September 26, 2010


sparkle -----> emotional attachment

and he's the someone who folds my over-length jeans

the someone who cooks my breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper

the someone who washes all my used dishes

the someone who carries my handbag when i'm busy doing shopping

the someone who sit still and takes all my complaints

the someone who stands by my side even i'm wrong

the someone who flew all the way back from aussie to apologize

the someone who respects me

the someone who trust me

the someone who accept my past and love me present and future

the someone who tolerate and handle my temper and behaviour

the someone i trust even with unbearable obstacles ahead

the someone i would hand out with his family

the someone i vacuum the carpet with

the someone who i will watch football with

the someone who discuss TopGear with me

the someone who listen and follow what i ask him to wear

the someone i ask about opinion after i came out from fitting room

the someone who makes decision with me 

the someone who discussed which part of beef and which brand of softener, toilet roll and beer at the grocer

the someone who hold the tram when i'm walking to slow after meal

the someone who carries me when i'm lazy to take the stairs

the someone who let me ingest uncountable chocolates, ice creams, chips and candies and never complains of my weight

the someone who permanently inked my name on him with no regrets

the someone who fix my mood when its screwed

the someone who needs/must have me around just to drink

the someone i let him to order my food

the someone who do some stupid things that i ask him to do

the someone who can take the stupid things i do

the someone who i can just fart right infront of him and crack stupid gags which makes him laugh like a kid

the someone who watches GossipGirls with me

the someone who reads my lousy blog

the someone who plays my favorite sport 

the someone who taught me how to accept and not to hold on

the someone who taught me do not cry over spilled milk cause it happened

the someone who makes me stronger, wiser.
the someone who taught me to love with forgiveness.

I know you love me, x.o.x.o.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Good friends are like stars. 
You don't always see them, 

but you know they are always there.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Time is tickin'

Finals getting too near me, oh the discomfort.
the thought of how life's gonna be like next semester makes me shudder. 
save me.
anyhow, i started my most crucial battle with my pbl which is talking about MRSA, some antibiotic resistant bacterial infection.
 lasted for 30 minutes on first page, ok not even done my first page out of forty pages of materials! I have to set my mind and finish this crap by tonight tomorrow morning before my brain decided to totally shut down on me, refusing more information.
 i conclude my final conclusion that I'm stil having my own raya break.
slamat hari raya out there. fmldenial.

back to hostel and crashed on the bed for like what, 2 hrs. just lying down comtemplating, .............., and contemplate again bout nothings.

okay, i lied.
its a major something but i dont feel like sharing my thoughts,
just not now atleast.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bipolar .

-Little creature, Fitzroy-


Bipolar disorder involves periods of excitability (mania) alternating with periods of depression. The "mood swings" between mania and depression can be very abrupt.

Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Bipolar disorder affects men and women equally. It usually appears between ages 15 - 25. The exact cause is unknown, but it occurs more often in relatives of people with bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder results from disturbances in the areas of the brain that regulate mood.
There are two primary types of bipolar disorder. People with bipolar disorder I have had at least one fully manic episode with periods of major depression. In the past, bipolar disorder I was called manic depression.
People with bipolar disorder II seldom experience full-fledged mania. Instead they experience periods of hypomania (elevated levels of energy and impulsiveness that are not as extreme as the symptoms of mania). These hypomanic periods alternate with episodes of major depression.
A mild form of bipolar disorder called cyclothymiainvolves periods of hypomania and mild depression, with less severe mood swings. People with bipolar disorder II or cyclothymia may be misdiagnosed as having depression alone.


The manic phase may last from days to months and can include the following symptoms:
  • Agitation or irritation
  • Elevated mood

    • Hyperactivity
    • Increased energy
    • Lack of self-control
    • Racing thoughts
  • Inflated self-esteem (delusions of grandeur, false beliefs in special abilities)
  • Little need for sleep
  • Over-involvement in activities
  • Poor temper control
  • Reckless behavior

    • Binge eating, drinking, and/or drug use
    • Impaired judgment
    • Sexual promiscuity
    • Spending sprees
  • Tendency to be easily distracted
These symptoms of mania are seen with bipolar disorder I. In people with bipolar disorder II, hypomanic episodes involve similar symptoms that are less intense.
The depressed phase of both types of bipolar disorder involves very serious symptoms of major depression:
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions
  • Eating disturbances

    • Loss of appetite and weight loss
    • Overeating and weight gain
  • Fatigue or listlessness
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and/or guilt
  • Loss of self-esteem
  • Persistent sadness
  • Persistent thoughts of death
  • Sleep disturbances

    • Excessive sleepiness
    • Inability to sleep
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Withdrawal from activities that were once enjoyed
  • Withdrawal from friends
There is a high risk of suicide with bipolar disorder. While in either phase, patients may abuse alcohol or other substances, which can worsen the symptoms.
Sometimes there is an overlap between the two phases. Manic and depressive symptoms may occur simultaneously or in quick succession in what is called a mixed state.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lies after lies.

I've honestly grown.

I used to expect the most in people.
I had a naive mindset which goes something like this,
"if i can give you my all, whats stopping you from giving me all of you?"
But i know better now.
Being outta home, depending on strangers i called friends, people i called boyfriends, and having no assurance whatsoever, it showed me only one thing, you only have yourself to trust at the end of everyday.
Life can never be easy, neither can friendship nor a relationship.
Its what you make out of it. Its how you look at it.
I will get hurt, its the same kind of hurt every single time. 
the congested chest, choking feeling, but i've been through it more than once, those times when i felt that it was impossible to get back up. 

but im still alive, 
i came out of it fine, 
and once again i will go through this,

 better than before.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Enough said,

Sometimes i sit alone pondering upon any specific reasons 
that may be the cause for all my miseries.
 when it comes to bad things happening to me, its like a curse. 
it keeps on coming without having a fullstop to it. 
sometimes i watch it happen and stopping it,
 is not within my means.
i go through it alone, emotionally. 
even if i share it with the whole world,
 those comforting words remains as only words.
Sometimes i feel the need to have a shrink. 
or perhaps someone that i can talk to whom i dont know. 
someone that does not know me well enough to judge me. 
someone who would atleast try to understand.
 someone who would just sit there
 and listen to me whine about all the petty stuff i hate.
 and someone who wouldnt tell a single soul what they heard. 
but then again, even if i had that someone, 
i wouldnt know where to begin.
I used to tell everyone close-to-heart everything that happens to me. 
every tiny detail whether its a good one/a bad one.
 but not anymore.
 i keep it to myself instead. 
i hide my true feelings. 
i hide almost everything.
 im not like a puzzle anymore, even if you put all the pieces together,
 you still wont get me.
 complicated is defined by me and i'm a whole package of trouble.
Even if i have the whole world around me. i still feel alone ever so often.
 i escape things while i can, though i know that one day i may have to face it
i mess with time. i often lag time only to feel the temporary bliss a little longer.